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5 Aspects That Should Change in Transportation Services in India?

Transportation Services in India

India is experiencing the fastest economic growth in the world at present. Yet the poor quality of infrastructure is one of the major bottlenecks to businesses. The logistics industry is one of those businesses which have been badly affected by the lack of infrastructure. Here are some ways in which transportation services in India can be improved: -

Up gradation of storage facilities

All warehouses in India are not equipped with the latest storage facilities for proper maintenance of goods. To ensure that the shipments reach the market in perfect working condition, shipping companies need to improve storage conditions. Thus, perishable items won’t get spoilt before reaching the market.

Availability of a large vehicle fleet

A company’s products may have to be dispatched to different locations. A shipping company with a limited fleet may not be able to handle the delivery of these products. Therefore, to meet up with the needs of clients whose business network is vast, shipping companies need to maintain a large fleet. This will enable them to handle delivery of dispatched items across different locations of India.

Use of the latest technology

One major drawback of shipping companies in India is that they rely on manual handling for all aspects of their business process. This often leads to errors which delay the delivery of products. By becoming acquainted with the use of different logistics software, they can enhance their efficiency. The level of satisfaction among customers will go up as a result.

Use of GPS systems in trucks

Tracking the location of trucks often becomes difficult for consignments which have to be delivered to distant locations. To deal with the problem, shipping companies should equip their trucks with the latest GPS tracking systems. This will enable them to easily locate their vehicles. They will thus be able to make accurate calculations of time required by their trucks to reach the destination.

Training programs for staff

The staff of Indian shipping companies is not often prepared to deal with last minute changes in schedule. By offering them with adequate training, shipping companies can deal with crisis situations in a better way.